Stepping Stones Pottery Work by the users
Here is the Pottery work of the users of the centre some has been done
by hand,Thrown on the pottery wheel & made by Slip Cast,
Click on a photo to enlarge the image
Slip Cast Bowl
Small Bowls thrown on the wheel
Slip Cast Serving Platter
Slip Cast Plant Pot
Wheel thrown glazed bowls
Slip Cast Plant Pot, painted with slip
Stoneware coil pot made by user ready for glazing and firing
The pottery in the kiln just been fired over night at 1000 degrees C, takes upto a day to cool down after been fired, we open the kiln at 150 degrees c
Fired and glazed plant pot
This Bowl is a hand decorated Salad Bowl which can be used when finished
Slip Cast Plant Pot Glazed,fired & it can be used outside
Stoneware Coil Pot, glazed and ready for use
Slip Cast Mould for Plant Pot (click to enlarge image)
Slip Cast Vase his got same pattern
Slip Cast plant pot his got same pattern as the Vase
Here is the Electric Pottery Wheel
the foot powerd Pottery Wheel
Slip Cast bowl
hamd thrown pottery
hamd thrown pot
Pinch Pot and coil pot
Pimch Pots
All information and Photos on the website are copyright of Caithness Mental Health Support Group 2020