The Haven & Stepping Stepping Projects
In December 2016, The Haven began to create new storage space to display the user's artwork.
We will keep you all up to date on its progress
The first Photo is the old look
The second photo will be the new look
The third photo is complete work (final photo)
The Stepping Stones Project is under the The Haven Photos
The new Look
The Haven work is complete
this is the final photo
Stepping Stones Project, The new Pottery shed started to build in August 2016.
building was completed in September 2017.
There will be four more photos of the user's pottery work & finished project from the users
Stage 1 The shed footprint
Stage 3 The sides going up
Stage 5 Inside of the building
Stage 7 Doors & Windows installed
Stage 2 Concreting floor & membrain
Stage 4 Skeleton of the building
Stage 6 Walls completed, roof on
Stage 8 The kiln installed
Stage 9 The shed ready for pottery use
Stage 10 Photo of the management, staff & users for the official openimg
Pottery work by Stepping Stones users
Hand made pottery decorations for xmas
Thrown on the pottery wheel by user
Slip Cast Serving platter and bowl, both limited pieces of work in progress